Painting in the Parking Lot

When I drove into the parking lot across the street from Starbucks this morning I noticed a man setting up an easel and canvas and preparing to paint what, to my eye as a photographer, was a rather uninspiring scene. I kept looking at the building that was his subject and tried to imagine what he saw that attracted him.

Finally I went over to talk with him, learned his name is Alex, and after a bit asked just what it was that drew him to that scene. He explained that a group of artists will be using space in the building to display their work for a month or so in starting in July and he was putting his interpretation of the space on canvas to hang in the temporary gallery.

We had a nice chat as I watched him add blobs of colored oil paint to an empty canvas and slowly turn those blobs into recognizable objects as the building and its surroundings began to take shape. I really enjoy watching artists create their work, turning nothing into something, it's so inspiring. 

I left for Starbucks before Alex had finished so this is a work in progress.

Alex at work (or is it play?)

Alex at work (or is it play?)

Tools of the trade.

Tools of the trade.